Our Program |  Eastern Time

09:00  Check-in Opens 

10:00  Opening

10:10   Musical Presentation 

Session One – TALK

10:25 am: PHILOSOPHY AND SPIRITISM: From Ancient Thinkers to Kardec
Presented by Humberto Schubert

Session Two – PANEL

11:15 am: A NEW PHILOSOPHY: Reincarnation, Immortal Self, Free Wil
João Korngold, Peter Hays, Andreia Marshall-Neto, and Yuri Castro
Moderator: Suzana Simoes

12:15 pm — Lunch Break

Session Three – PANEL

2:00: Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Spiritist Mediumship
Jussara Korngold, Humberto Schubert, Rafael Rezende
Moderator: Dan Assisi

Session Four – YOUTH PANEL

Bettina Tavares, Leonardo Haddad, Gabriella Cabral
Moderator: Bea Lopes

3:50 pm — Coffee Break

Session Five – PANEL

4:20 pm: SPIRITISM: A Philosophy for Us
Marcelo Netto, Gabriel Macedo, Rebecca DaSilva, Lia Gouveia
Moderator: Jana Machado

Session Six – ASK ME ANYTHING!

5:00 pm – Dan Assisi, Jussara Korngold,  and Luiz Lima
Moderator: Marcia Trajano

5:30pm  Youth Education Presentation

Thoughts for the People and the Planet

5:45 pm – Brian Vosberg and Sophia DeOliveira

5:55 pm: Conclusion 


Past Symposia

Get an idea of other subjects covered in previous symposiums. Check out the videos and photos!

What is Spiritism?

“Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.”

The Spiritist Symposium is an annual event presented by the United States Spiritist Federation to promote Spiritism and its practical aspects for a new level of self-awareness and life purpose.

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