Our Program | Eastern Time
09:00 Check-in Opens
10:00 Opening
10:10 Musical Presentation
Session One – TALK
10:25 am: PHILOSOPHY AND SPIRITISM: From Ancient Thinkers to Kardec
Presented by Humberto Schubert
Session Two – PANEL
11:15 am: A NEW PHILOSOPHY: Reincarnation, Immortal Self, Free Will
João Korngold, Peter Hays, Andreia Marshall-Neto, and Yuri Castro
Moderator: Marcia Trajano
12:15 pm — Lunch Break
Session Three – PANEL
2:00: Philosophical Perspectives on the Practice of Spiritist Mediumship
Jussara Korngold, Humberto Schubert, Rafael Rezende
Moderator: Dan Assisi
Session Four – YOUTH PANEL
Bettina Tavares, Leonardo Haddad, Gabriella Cabral, Otavio Goncalves
Moderator: Bea Lopes
3:50 pm — Coffee Break
Session Five – PANEL
4:20 pm: SPIRITISM: A Philosophy for Us
Marcelo Netto, Gabriel Macedo, Rebecca DaSilva, Lia Gouveia
Moderator: Jana Machado
Session Six – ASK ME ANYTHING!
5:00 pm – Dan Assisi, Jussara Korngold, and Luiz Lima
Moderator: Marcia Trajano
5:30pm Youth Education Presentation
Thoughts for the People and the Planet
5:45 pm – Brian Vosberg and Sophia DeOliveira
5:55 pm: Conclusion
Past Symposia
Get an idea of other subjects covered in previous symposiums. Check out the videos and photos!
What is Spiritism?
“Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.”